Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Will Democrats replace Biden as their Nominee?

Where Is Biden and Sanders?

A New Contender Might Be Rising?

Democrats, unsatisfied with the two front-runners for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination — one of whom has disappeared into the Senate and another who hasn’t been seen in public for more than a week — are trying to start a viral movement to replace Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Vice President Joe Biden with New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

Read about it...

Fox, stop giving Andrew Cuomo all of this free publicity.

A leading financial watchdog, the Citizens Budget Commission, estimated that New York City could lose $5 billion in revenue in the upcoming fiscal year, based on the prior two recessions. A poll from Sienna college indicates that only thirty-six percent of independent voters have a favorable view of the governor who was re-elected to a third term and his overall favorability rating with all voters dropped to its lowest ever. This poll was taken before the Coronavirus.

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