Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Today's the Day to Vote

All in all, I received seven (7) mailers from the people who want us to give them 22 more feet at the Gufstream property. They really want this property--badly as they are willing to spend all this money to convince you. Don't give it to them.

They can build to 65 feet in height and still have a wonderful, viable commercial property. I say commercial because there is no guarantee that a hotel will ever be built there...no matter what they tell us or how they try to convince us.

They are telling us that they want us to vote "yes" to SAVE The Gulfstream Hotel. This is a 100% dishonest message.


  1. I got 8 mailers they sure want it

  2. And knowing the uninformed voter, they will get it.

  3. I voted. Who were those people running against Trump?
