Friday, March 20, 2020

"This is a Banana Republic...You Failed to Act," said Commissioner Hardy

For all of you who missed watching the City Commission Special Meeting last night--all I can say is "Holy Cow!" This special meeting was "special" in every sense of the word.

Over the last several years, this commission has done its best to shut Commissioner Hardy up. Omari Hardy challenged the city manager and the mayor (who was extremely rude towards Hardy even calling it his "dog and pony show" and interrupting him on many occasions) on the Coronavirus pandemic for what Hardy perceived as their lack of concern for our residents and employees. The meeting was contentious from the "get go" and Hardy left the city manager and city attorney faltering and even tongue-tied in their answers to some of his questions.

The mayor took residents' comments that were submitted online. One of them was well stated but ran over the 2 minutes as the mayor read it into the record all but the last sentence. The last paragraph that we did not hear in its entirety is as follows:
"In the meantime, I suggest that the City Manager declare success and move on. AND the Mayor and Esteemed Commissioners turn back the clock and become VOLUNTEERS. The savings in salaries, payroll taxes and benefits can be reassigned to a City Fund for City residents who have found themselves unemployed through no fault of their own."
Another "holy cow" moment that was eliminated from public commentary.

New Business began at 19 minutes into the meeting on Resolution 11-2020 giving emergency powers to the Mayor and City Manager.

The meeting backup:
In light of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) being declared a federal, state and local emergency, Resolution No. 11-2020 seeks to reaffirm the emergency powers of the Mayor and City Manager.

Historically, in the event of an emergency, the Mayor has utilized her power set forth in Article III, Section 3 of the City’s Charter, to issue a Declaration of a State of Local Emergency when determined necessary. Likewise, in the past, the City Manager has acted in response to an emergency with temporary policies and practices to address the emergency in an efficient and prompt manner. Resolution No. 11-2020 seeks to reaffirm these emergency powers of the Mayor and City Manager to address the COVID-19 and other emergencies as they may emerge and change over time.

At 1 hour into the meeting, Commissioner Hardy told the city manager, in so many words, that he is a liar!  It got very explosive after that. The Mayor screamed--was out of control. And eventually Omari completely "lost it" for the run-around he received during this meeting. Check out Omari at 1 hour and 32 minutes into the meeting. The Mayor recessed the meeting. Eventually the commission resumed and the vote was 4/1 with Hardy dissenting.


  1. Has the city laid off workers?

  2. say what you want but Omari didnt have the right to attack the attorney or c.m the way he did.and you didnt mention how he interrupted people that were trying to talk when they had the floor.sorry the rules of Roberts cant be observed by much blame going around in this town it has to stop

  3. What has to begin---Remembering that everyone on the dais are elected officials. If you can't concede that Omari was and has been discriminated against on this dais then you really have blinders on and I'm not talking about the color of his skin. I don't agree with Omari in most situations but on this one he had every right to be pissed off. Omari missed his calling. He should have been a lawyer. He digs deep to get at the facts. It's too bad, that at his insistence, there was a meeting that resulted in this outcome. Very bad for the city. Everyone up there kept their dignity but Omari and the Mayor. Just look at yourselves. Disgraceful. This should never happen by elected officials.

  4. Thanks for the update Lynn.
    I believe that a healthy immune system is the BEST defense against the Coronavirus. A HAPPY, CARING, COMPASSIONATE HEART Creates a Healthy Immune system.
    To maintain my Healthy Immune System, I avoid CONTENTIOUS Meetings.
    Hence, I was in bed at 6:00 PM Thursday night, dreaming I was on the beach in Cozumel, Mexico in 1970, listening to the waves gently lap the shore.

  5. true but don't make Omari the good guy here because he is not

  6. I question the legality of the actions taken by the Mayor and Commissioners. The White House Coronavirus Task Force issues new guidelines daily. The Task Force has said they are in uncharted territory. They inherited an obsolete system. They are inventing a new system “on the fly.”

    President Trump is doing what he is BEST at – cutting through the bureaucracy and creating a SIMPLE system that works. I listen to the LIVE STREAM Press Briefings, where the Press is allowed questions. Trump and the Task Force members answer the same questions over and over, not very patiently.

    After the LIVE STREAM ends, the White House Coronavirus Task Force moves to FEMA, where they address the Governors. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez post their Administrative Schedule daily. 100% of their time is spent on Calls/Visits re Covid-19. I do NOT see any Calls with the City of Lake Worth Beach re Covid-19.

    Until a solution for Covid-19 is found, in my opinion, Covid-19 is the PRIORITY in the City of Lake Worth (Beach). Florida Secretary of State, Laurel M. Lee, may be willing to give the City Attorney guidance on the legality of the March 19th Special Meeting.

  7. @3:36--I believe I called out both the mayor and Omari.
    Omari had every right to voice his opinion and not be disrespected the way he was. The attitude towards him was what set him off and it had been seething for some time. This commission came into the meeting with a chip and to shut him down.
    You may not like my opinion but that's how I saw it.

  8. I wasn't there, but I do know how Pam and the CM can be, both very mean and nasty and very unprofessional. I lost respect for both of them many years ago.

    Lake Worth deserves better! This city could be so much better, but the greed, corruption, and mediocrity of the elected and CM are what hold it from its potential.

  9. There is no excuse for Omari Hardy's behavior. Time and time again, he grandstands for the cameras. This is not an isolated incident. When he does not get his way the personal attacks begin. The rules are in place for a reason even though he chooses to ignore them to suit his personal agenda. Everyone is a genius with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. Instead of fighting it would be nice to see our leaders, including Omari Hardy, come together and get along, not attack one another publicly for the cameras.

  10. That’s where the problem lies, @ 12:58. To get along with the CM and the majority commission, Omari would have to succumb rather than standing up for what he believes. Everyone must calm down

  11. lynn I wish you would stop condoning what Omari is doing.remember he is the one that came in with a chip on his shoulder

  12. Let's get something straight--I do NOT condone what he did. I do NOT condone what Pam Triolo did.
    And, they ALL had chips on their shoulders and out to shut Omari up.

  13. Thank you for your blog post, Ms. Anderson. I came across your blog after viewing, for the first time, a City of Lake Worth (CLW) Commission meeting. I'm a fellow Floridian and a current employee of a neighboring municipality, whose commissioners declared a "city emergency" last week and sent their non-essential employees home (with pay), together with "guidance" from the City Manager (CM). In my city, the CM is appointed and reports to the Commission not the other way around. I was taken aback to see what appears to be "the other way around" for CLW and took offense to the lack of regard and respect shown by the CLW Mayor and CM for its residents, employees, and public servant Commissioner Hardy. It was disturbing to see them threaten and attempt to belittle, silence and bully Mr. Hardy to submission; but took comfort that their romper room antics were on full display for all to see and recall at the ballot box.

  14. The sad thing is that some of them say they are Christians and Catholics---Scott ad Pam go to Sacred Heart right? Well, sometimes Pam? What would Father Quesnel say or think about Pam or Scott or the CM in how they behaved? WWJD? Maybe F. Quesnel should not let Pam receive communion anymore.

  15. I wonder what Sugarbear, Michael, would think about how Pam and all behaved? Sugarbear goes to SHCC. He is much more religious and compassionate. Where is the compassion he might say. Maybe another inspiration for a new cartoon Sugarbear?
