Saturday, March 28, 2020

Speaking the Truth gets you Fired!

Fox puts Trish Regan on indefinite leave for this monologue!


  1. If your "truth" includes believing that the Democrats treated the virus more seriously than Fox News and Republicans just to "impeach the President," then I think all you have to do is check the news to see how wrong you are.

    But for most Americans, this kind of partisan BS of pointing fingers and talking up conspiracy theories doesn't matter. Americans, indeed the world, are too busy trying to survive and not catch the virus to occupy themselves with this stupid bickering. They're concerned about their neighbors, their postman, medical professionals and those still out there working while trying to avoid not getting sick.

    There are those who will go to their graves pointing fingers and calling the other side names. For the rest of us, this is a fight for all humanity, no matter what party you vote with. Hopefully, we'll win.

  2. the truth is exactly what Trish Regan said!

  3. SHAME on FOX NEWS-for firing TRISH REGAN-just for telling the truth!!! The AMERICAN Patriots are sick and tired of all the FAKE-ONE SIDED CRAP they spew every day!!!SHAMEFUL!!!
