Sunday, March 29, 2020

"Soon we (America) will be open for Business"

Can you really save American lives by destroying the American economy? No!

More lives will be destroyed. Let’s get back to work

"The COVID-19 which originated in China’s Wuhan province, that was covered up by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the help of the World Health Organization (WHO), has had devastating effect on human life and the economy all around the world."

Read about it...



  2. Yes, that is a big concern. We have Democrats right now wanting our healthcare system under government control. Another reason why Trump backed off quarantining NY, NJ & CT and left it to the states.

  3. Getting the economy going again is a lot easier than bringing people back from the dead.

    Whoa, Dan. That website is out there in the Q zone. Yikes.

  4. Someone shared this site to me....And the takeaway should not be the site should be that " Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to form a "temporary" global government in response to the coronavirus pandemic."....

    Almost everyone we know has fallen for the big lies of the media. You are being duped. What if this was never about health, and was always about crushing the Economy of the West?

    What lies do you know you have been told by National and global Media? You know for a fact they are LYING to you on purpose about the mortality rate.
    It is NOT 3.5% and could not be. In America we have not tested anything representative of a population sample to discuss mortality. The researchers are actually saying 100 times more people could be or have been infected than what the medias are discussing as the number of infected. That means the mortality would be 100 times LOWER than the LYING MEDIA has been telling you.
    This is common sense, and it is indisputable. If you know a smart Doctor that you can chat with, ask them if they think we can have an accurate picture of how many people have been infected with the current level of testing...You will not find one that agrees with this narrative...and if you do find one, I want to talk to him!!!
    So...You are being lied to, and now you are realizing it. For such an enormous lies, you have to ask, what could be the agenda. And there can be only one. Economic destabilization of America to allow our enemies running the UNITED NATIONS to finally get a foothold toward the goal of the United Nations to create a One World government by 2030...this is their stated goal on their website, it is not a conspiracy theory...and the only thing that makes sense in this pandemic, is that for this big a mortality Lie and fear mongering to be so pushed--that this IS an Economic attack...and we are in WWIII. And the American Media is complicit. You must see this.

  5. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to form a "temporary" global government in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The biggest Lie you have ever been fed in your life by Media…the “Fake Mortality Rate” ….happens to coincide with many movements from China and the UN and the Globalists of Europe as they appear to see an opportunity to change the way the world is governed. I can not promise you this is a form of economic warfare and a beginning to WWIII…but if a majority of Americans can not ask the hard questions in these “coincidences”….Something major in our country may be broken already. You are supposed to be able to question important issues.
