Monday, March 30, 2020

Palm Beach County Directives on the Coronavirus

Palm Beach County to get drive-thru coronavirus test site. And private golf courses and community pools to close

I hope a lot of you tuned into Mayor Kerner's announcement yesterday regarding the coronavirus. It was live online as well as featured live on the government channel.

County Mayor Dave Kerner also announced that an emergency order has been extended to close all golf courses, community swimming pools, parks, and recreational boat docks, ramps and marinas, regardless of whether they are county, municipal, country club, private, or in communities.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting Lynn. It seems that some COA/ HOA Board members think they are exempt from the rules and are still dancing to their own drummer.

    City of Lake Worth Beach Commissioners Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson and Scott Maxwell could help out the the 55 and older Condo folks who live on Lake Osborne Drive in John Prince Park while John Prince park is closed.

    Commissioner Robinson could was bemoaning his Wednesday morning meeting at the Book Cellar now that the Book Cellar is closed.

    Commissioner Robinson could hold a meeting in the parking lot at Lakeside Point Gardens. The City of Lake Worth Beach employees who are still on the payroll could bring chairs and set them up 6 feet apart for Social Distancing and could record video for Facebook for folks who still prefect to self-isolate (like me) until the Coronavirus Emergency is lifted.
