Monday, March 23, 2020

Message from Mayor Pam Triolo of Lake Worth (Beach)

As Mayor I wanted to let you know that the City of Lake Worth Beach is doing all we can to deal with the Covid19 Pandemic.  The Commission and the City staff are working nonstop to meet the needs and address the concerns of all our citizens.

Unfortunately, what transpired at Thursday’s emergency Commission meeting has become a focal point that is overshadowing all the good that is being done here in the City.

There were things said between Commissioner Hardy and myself during the meeting and during the recess, both on and off camera, that created a lot of undue stress and emotion. I was very upset about what I perceived as bullying and unnecessary attacks on the Commission and our processes by Commissioner Hardy. I was also concerned about how the issue of the suspension of utility disconnections was being inaccurately portrayed.

To be clear, no one is being denied Water, Sewer or Electric service as disconnections had been suspended starting on Wednesday March 18th. Most accounts disconnected in the transition period were reconnected that day and all late fees and re-connection fees are being reversed. Commissioner Hardy was aware of this before the meeting.

During the meeting I believed the credibility of the Commission and the City staff was under attack, and while I took the right action, I apologize for the way it had to be done.

I encourage Commissioner Hardy to join me in examining our interactions in the public and to come back together in a united front to deal with the current crisis.  That should be the focus, and regardless of differences of opinion we must lead by example and where we must disagree, do so without being disagreeable.


  1. I have faith in our city during a problem like we have.i hope Omari can face up to this and apologize to the city staff commission and citizens.and check the facts first

  2. He not only was heard in this meeting but nationally. We are coming late to address this emergency and I imagine lots of people watching this clip can readily empathize the dire straights one unexpected bill can have in an emergency. Especially in uncharted territory as we are now. If the food you have goes bad. And you have no income...

    The one saving grace I keep reminding myself, is that now I have power. Unlike my sweaty memories of hurricanes past. When I would just wish with all my might that I could be cool for just 5 minutes.

    When we came together and helped each other then, now we can most help each other by staying apart. We are the vectors. Now at least I believe most realize that this is serious. More than interrupted plans--interrupted lives. Stay safe.
