Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Mad Max can't stop lying

Maxine Waters Accuses Trump Of Lying, Ignoring Early Warnings On Coronavirus

I don't know why this woman continually opens her mouth. She just keeps lying like a crazy woman...which she is basically.

Rep. Maxine Waters accused President Trump of ignoring early coronavirus warnings and suggested he’s “gotten away with a lot of lying.”

The fact that the first part of that sentence is a complete lie is an irony that apparently escapes the California Democrat.

“The early notifications I’m told were ignored,” Waters said during a weekend interview with MSNBC. [Political Insider]


  1. Lynn, she is correct. here is the time line. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/3/14/21177509/coronavirus-trump-covid-19-pandemic-response

  2. Thanks, Lib. LOL

  3. lets stop the blame game and stay home.wife has one more treatment in morning then we will not be out.looking at 10th and 95 at 7am you wouldn't think there was anything rong.please have concern for your neighbors and stay home if possible
