Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Lake Worth (Beach) Artist city whether we wanted it or not

On tonight's agenda is Ordinance No. 2020-02 whose propose is to add a Cultural Arts district overlay zone to Chapter 23 of the City’s Code of Ordinances.

The purpose of this ordinance is to create an optional Cultural Arts overlay district (The area bounded on the east by Dixie Highway, on the south by 6th Avenue South,95 on the west by the alley west of “F” street, and on the north by 3rd Avenue North) that will allow for certain arts-related businesses to be located within single family or two-family units, allowing for a live/work environment for the owner within a defined area of the city more fully described in the ordinance.

1. Principal uses permitted by Administrative Use.
A. Artisan Studio
B. Arts and Crafts Studio
C. Art Gallery
D. Bakery
E. Ceramics Studio with Kiln
F. Ceramics Studio without Kiln
G. Commissary Kitchen
H. Craft Gallery
I. Custom Jewelry Fabrication/Studio
J. Photography Studio
K. Photography gallery (including picture framing)
L. Pottery Shop/Studio
M. Recording Studio
N. Sculpture Studio with Kiln
O. Sculpture Studio w/o Kiln
P. Stained Glass Studio

And with all the artists in this city, don't you think they could have come up with something more attractive than this for the new seal?


  1. The "City of Lake Worth BEACH" has only existed for a couple of years!! Ignorant sycophants ,Commission and administration took the city that was incorporated in 1913 and stabbed it in the neck! That city is GONE !

  2. Is prostitution or drug dealing considered an art form? That's all you'll get in this area! No sane person would try to do business in this pit.

  3. Bakeries and commissary kitchens DO NOT BELONG in single family zoned neighborhoods!!!! Now we are going to have people selling soup and sandwiches out of their car ports???? Tacos out of their front yards? BarBQ drums in the streets? HITF is this going to be regulated/ Health Dept? RIGHT ! I believe that the idiots on the Commission are trying to get everyone out of this rat hole so that their developer friends can buy up this city.
