Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Editorial Opinion about the disgraceful meeting in Lake Worth (Beach)

Coronavirus in Florida: Editorial: An embarrassment for Lake Worth Beach

Finally I agree with the Palm Beach Post. This is an editorial that is thoughtful and reasonable in its approach to the explosive Special Commission Meeting of last week.

Remember that saying, "When they go low; we go high." Of course, it was said by Michelle Obama but it stands true for this horrible incident at our city hall. Our elected official went low.

Read the Editorial


  1. Pam loses her temper every now and then.

  2. I recall many years ago when she first became mayor her treating people in the chamber horribly, talking at them some mean and rudely as a mayor.

    I heard that there is a petition going around with over 30k signatures for her to step down. The video makes her look so bad, so insensitive. It has reached millions of people viewing it. So sad during this China virus.

    It looks like she forgot to include God in her decision making.

    She can ask for forgiveness, repent, God is really the only one who should be judging her, not us. She can make it right if she wants to.

    Sounds like she needs our prayers now, pray for her and all the people affected by COVID19, pray for humanity.
