Sunday, March 15, 2020

Deranged Democrats

Two GOP Candidates Punched, One Knocked Out in Attacks

One candidate got punched in the face, knocked out and got a concussion. The other was a woman who was sworn at (using the F-bomb) by an admitted anarchist who punched her in the arm.

Read about these deranged Democrats


  1. So you posted two stories from 2018 today.

    Why not give us some posts on the stellar job Trump is doing with the virus? Oh, that's right. There aren't any.

    You know they're going to do drive-thru testing in PBC starting this week? Maybe your readers would want to know about that instead of garbage news that is 2 years old.


  2. Hey, my readers aren't interested in the BS hype over this virus.
    Sorry if I got you upset by describing Democrats as "deranged." I probably don't need that adjective as everyone knows you all are.
