Sunday, March 29, 2020

"Democrats make me sick"

Coronavirus bill includes $350 million for migration, refugee assistance

"It is absolutely DESPICABLE for there to be anything in this bill except relating to helping American workers and businesses to get through this crisis! To allocate money for the arts or solar panels and windmills, reducing carbon emissions from airlines, etc. is ridiculous! And $350 million on illegal immigrants who shouldn’t be here in the first place?!!

Democrats make me sick!!! And I’m speaking as a former Democrat." [ProudAmerican789]

1 comment:

  1. if you watch MSNBC yesterday al Sharpton is upset not any money went to his people in prision.then some witch from accusing president trump of siphoning 2% off the top for his buildings.hope people wake up and vote these dems out.maybe they can go to be with their laeder in russia
