Sunday, March 22, 2020

City Commission Meeting goes Viral - "You're Done!"

Lake Worth commissioner, mayor butt heads over coronavirus response in the city

WPEC channel 12 News ran a segment last night on the outlandish and explosive City of Lake Worth Commission meeting that was held this past Thursday. Frankly, segments of the video have gone viral on the Internet. Instagram is in a continual attack mode against the mayor on her food page. It's all become ugly.

"A city commission meeting in Lake Worth on Thursday turned ugly as a commissioner and the mayor butted heads over the city's handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

During the emergency meeting, city officials discussed a local utility company's role during the coronavirus pandemic and the issue of residents losing power for failure to pay utility bills."

I would not describe this meeting as a "discussion" but rather a pathetic example of those in charge not taking the proper and quick action during this pandemic and whose only goal was to shut down Commissioner Hardy and his legitimate concerns.

Read it here...


  1. This is horrible and makes Pam and the CM look so bad, childish, like Nancy P and Chuckie. Parts of this meeting were shown on the local CBS Miami Chan 4 news this morning I saw it and it really looks bad for Pam. My brother in the DC area even texted me and said it was shown up in that area. Our beloved city Lake Worth is now on the map, thanks Pam and CM for making us really shine. How embarrassing! Why doesn't our local news every show this kind of stuff from these clowns here? The sad thing about it too is that Pam and Scott are supposed Catholics and Christian and go sometimes to Sacred Heart Catholic Church and then do this during a pandemic. Sounds like they need some lessons from Jesus and St. Francis of Assisi.

  2. I was surprised to see this on national programs. Wow, I guess this has really hit a nerve. Which I can understand in the midst of the current pandemic.

    This is uncharted territory for us. Not since 1918. We forget that things like this can happen, even in lives we believe we have every control over.

    While the publicity sure paints a less than outstanding picture of Lake Worth, I think it likely that Bornstein will consider carefully before cutting anyone's power off again during this emergency. So while the meeting was abruptly brought to a scrappy end, the story echoes throughout a nation on edge attempting to address a new and dire emergency.
