Friday, March 27, 2020

Bornstein in charge of Lake Worth (Beach) - SURPRISE??!

Coronavirus Florida: Another Lake Worth Beach commissioner has concerns with city manager’s actions

We've always known that City Manager Mike Bornstein runs this city, not the city commission that rubbers stamps everything. Now one of our elected commissioners is just finding this out? I know Robinson knows this but he's never wanted to admit it or cause any waves.

"In a Facebook message posted Wednesday, Commissioner Herman Robinson said Bornstein has canceled two scheduled meetings involving the city commission without explanation and added he’s been told Bornstein will correspond with commissioners only through “non-verbal communication.”

Bornstein was handed emergency powers during a raucous city commission meeting Thursday, March 19 that drew wide national attention after video of a heated verbal exchange between Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Omari Hardy went viral."

Well, Commissioner Robinson, you're a day late and a dollar short as the expression goes and you voted to give him the power--you and the Trio. Commissioner Hardy was the only one who voted "nay."

Read about it...


  1. Herman still hasn't stepped up sufficiently.

  2. you all say what you want but someone voted these puppets

  3. Mr. Robinson is the only commissioner who responded when I left messages opposing a proposed construction recycling plant that very well could have polluted our Lake Osborne. He is very much a gentleman and I believe he serves with integrity.

    I have long felt that Michael Bornstein has been delegated too much power. He didn't like the pool, so the pool is kaput. He and our state "Inspector General" were the two who decided the secret "ITN" (Intention to Negotiate) although usually only applicable at the state level, could be used to keep the delivery of a large part of our public beach to Hudson Holdings for a private club, large convention center, and 2 story parking garage out of the sunshine and secret. He is not elected. He commands a large salary with a car to travel less than 5 minutes to the city chambers. I have no idea of all that is involved in running a city, but I believe very strongly that the government should be accountable to the voters.

  4. Our(Yuck) Lake Worth Commissioners all need to have their salaries pro-rated and return a large junk to the public. Are you morons ready to insist on term limits yet?

  5. Mike Bornstein didn't get the memo. The White House Coronavirus Task Force is in charge. Through FEMA, the Task Force has assigned responsibility to the State Governors. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is going an excellent job in Florida. Governor DeSantis has assigned responsibility to a Team of elected officials in Palm Beach County and called up the National Guard to assign.

    Mike Bornstein was NOT invited. The City of Lake Worth Beach is NOT at the Table.

    so what can the City of Lake Worth Beach do to support the residents of Lake Worth during the Coronavirus Emergency?

    Assign all responsibility for Capital and General Fund Budget and employees to the Palm Beach County Commissioners effective immediately. Sales Tax Revenues are way down. The County has no idea what tax revenues will be next year. Lake Worth MUST stop spending on all but essential activities or the City will be bankrupt.

    Mayor Pam and Commissioners - roll back history and become a VOLUNTEER COMMISSION. Give up your salary, Benefits and other perks immediately and contribute them to a fund to help families unemployed through no fault of their own.

    Mike Bornstein is long overdue for his Contract review. Thank him for his service and wish him well. Lake Worth is unable to provide SEVERANCE. However there are jobs available at Amazon, USPS, UPS, FEDEx, Aldis, Publix, and other Grocery Stores.

    Mike Bornstein
