Monday, February 3, 2020

Workshop on Public Private Partnerships

The City of Lake Worth (Beach) is determined to barrel ahead to screw up our beach.  And it's not only the's the entire city. They love developers and they love abrogating their responsibility to someone else, anyone else.

Look what they did to the Steinhardt property...a 99 year lease is like giving the County the property. Back on January 7, 2014, the suggested 99 year lease to the County (on the dry as well as the submerged land) was approved to make this property a nature preserve. Now the 99 year lease to the County will be on the ballot.

But I digress--The intent of this particular workshop was to familiarize the Commission on Public/Private Partnerships as the majority of them is all for spending millions. We have already spent millions but those millions apparently are not enough. 

Basically, the City can't manage itself out of a wet paper bag. They can't manage the beach. They made a decision to have public transportation with a bus that goes down our main streets to bring people to our beach...precious parking revenue lost that we depend upon to make our budget.

Time for Term Limits

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