Thursday, January 2, 2020

Muslim Refugees will change the Face of America

There’s a video floating around online that show’s Syrian refugees. It’s not the sad picture of mostly women and children that the left wing media spread. It shows that the majority of the refugees are young men. On top of this, they completely reject the help and supplies that were being given to them.

This is why we don’t want to accept just any “refugee” into America! Why would we put our families in danger with American hating terrorists? Do you want terrorism and war right here in your backyard? [Emmanuel]


This is an old video but it still shows the problem. Under the Trump administration, the United States plans to admit a maximum of 18,000 refugees in fiscal year 2020, down from a cap of 30,000 in the one that ended Sept. 30, 2019, under a new refugee admissions ceiling set by the Trump administration. This would be the lowest number of refugees resettled by the U.S. in a single year since 1980, when Congress created the nation’s refugee resettlement program. [Pew Research Center]

This is another policy change that irks Obama as the U.S. admitted nearly 85,000 refugees (mostly Muslim) in fiscal 2016 alone, the last full fiscal year of the Obama administration.

What will our country look like in 5 to 10 years? More Rashid Tlaib's and Ihlan Omars? More Obamas? Mayors getting elected in American cities such as London's Sadiq Khan who has allowed hardened Muslim extremists to group? It is happening in America. At the mid-term in 2018, a record 55 Muslim Americans won office.

The annual refugee cost to U.S. taxpayers is $1.8 billion and over five years, that financial burden skyrockets to $8.8 billion. Those figures are only estimates because refugees will access welfare and other government assistance at different rates and the number of refugees entering the U.S also changes from year-to-year. FAIR

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