Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Last Full Measure trailer

I went to see this era and a great movie. Take a few tissues.  It's a tear jerker and based on facts.

President Trump would like us not to engage in wars that don't threaten our national security. He takes action when needed like Soleimani. But he is very much aware that "tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in Japan, South Korea, the Middle East and Europe act, with local forces in each region, are a buffer against a growing Chinese militarism in the South China Sea, a nuclear-armed dictator threatening from North Korea, Iranian menacing in the Persian Gulf and Russian military aggression along NATO's eastern flank in Europe." Our troops need to be there.

Sometimes I wonder if Jane Fonda wasn't actually on the mark regarding the Vietnam War. I think what people objected to was her method of protest. She never should have gone to North Vietnam and sucked up to the enemy. That was a slap on the face to every one of our troops serving and being killed there--heroes all.

The United States was all about eradicating communism (we were all paranoid about it) at any cost and then Fonda came on the scene pointing out the atrocities and asking what we were doing in Vietnam as our men were being slaughtered. The negativity and even hatred attributed to her lingers to this day. Even she says she regrets it but she totally believed that she, along with every other American, was lied to by the American government.

While the US, an invading force of brave heroic men suffered more than 58,000 dead in the war, an estimated two million Vietnamese civilians were killed, another 5.3 million injured in a war that we lost because we were not committed enough to win.

May we never forget these brave soldiers and the terrible cost of war. We've been in Afghanistan for 19 years. 2,400 of our brave troops have died with 20,000 maimed or injured...will this ever end?

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