Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lake Worth's Unique Character will change

Opponents consider legal action against redevelopment project replacing cottages

Although we've mentioned it before on this blog, the night that the Lake Worth City Commission approved of demolishing and/or moving some historic homes to make way for developers, the city's chamber was packed with people against. The commission didn't listen; it never does.

"Reached by phone Friday, Lake Worth Beach Mayor Pam Triolo said the city needs thoughtfully planned housing units and parking to boost the tax base and help provide foot traffic for downtown businesses." If you want foot traffic downtown, get some stores where people want to shop. Get rid of the lousy restaurants and reduce the number of bars.

And mayor, this is in the CRA's tax base and any tax revenues from increases in real property value, referred to as “increment,” are deposited into the Community Redevelopment Agency Trust Fund and dedicated to the redevelopment area. So, good luck in the city's "boost" in taxes down the road. That increase will all go to the CRA and the city's portion is frozen as the commission continues to make one lousy decision after another.

Read about it...

Time to end the CRA

Time for Term Limits


  1. CRA's take tax revenues from citizens' general funds and put the cash under the" watchful "care of un-elected bureaucrats who overspend on projects that citizen taxpayers are less likely to approve than these unaccountable agency bureaucrats who are spending other peoples' money.
    The latest plan to overspend and overdevelop our downtown against the will of the resident citizens and to destroy the historic character of the area will add funds to the CRA but will take 20 to 25 years to increase Lake Worth's tax base.
    Our general fund will be burdened for concurrency during these years without any increase in revenue.
    Will the CRA authorize no bid contracts for out of town individuals or companies for any projects envisioned as they have done in recent projects?


  2. Thank you for posting Lynn Anderson. The Lake Worth (Beach) CRA seems to have lost its way. Time to "Sunset" the CRA and start fresh.

    I say we REDUCE GENERAL FUND expenses so we do NOT need increases in REVENUE. I have a plan AND - I am a Candidate for Commissioner, District 1. Ask me for a copy of my plan!

  3. @5:46--So you're running against Scott Maxwell. At what point and time will you reveal your name?
