Thursday, January 23, 2020

Democrats did not allow Due Process

McCarthy Finds “Major Hole” In Democrat Impeachment –

Their Case Could Implode In Just Days

McCarthy points to the “machinations and posturing” of the impeachment-hungry Democrats. He says all of it would be “ridiculous” if they had a case. I keep asking, "what case?"

This so called trial has been a sham of huge proportions and the media is part of the sham. This morning, The Palm Beach Post's headline read, "House Managers lay out Trump's corrupt scheme." Of course, The Post reprinted an article from The New York (anti Trump) Times. They also quoted Schiff. We heard way too much from that guy over the last few days...non-stop BS.

 It's just sleazy, bad politics that is hurting our country coming from Democrats.

Read about it...

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