Saturday, January 25, 2020

Commentary from the White House

From the White House:

It’s official: Americans have stopped listening to the Swamp

On day 3 of the Senate impeachment trial Americans tuned out.

Fewer than 12 million people watched the trial’s opening day on Tuesday, compared with about 13 million who viewed the first day of impeachment hearings back in November. That was already a low bar to cross: Day 1 of those hearings drew 32 percent lower ratings than even James Comey’s uneventful Senate testimony in 2017.

With each new hoax, more Americans catch on and simply change the channel. During November’s sham “hearings,” for example, viewership dropped quickly as Democrats’ “star witnesses” offered no actual evidence to support impeachment. In fact, most of them had never even met President Trump. They just shared their opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I learned a new word from Chief Justice Roberts - PETTIFOGGING = "placing undue emphasis on petty details, for example. PETTIFOGGING attorneys were the bane of civil society."

    Quibble about petty points, for example "without lifetime careers to preserve, congressmen would be free to debate rather than PETTIFOG."

    Practice legal deception or trickery, for example "he will rather PETTIFOG" and turn common barrator than be out of employment."

    Source: Online Etymology Dictionary - late 16th and early 17th Century
