Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trump's Salt & Pepper Shakers - Major Media Brouhaha

Major problem for Democrats that the President's salt and pepper shakers were bigger than the guests. Democrats are losing across the board--nothing else to bitch about for the moment.

 President Donald Trump is a master troll.  If there’s one thing he excels at, it’s goading the media into giving him free air time or simply exposing them as complete fools. Now, his latest apparent power move has the establishment media losing their collective minds.  Trump’s grievous offense? Having bigger salt and pepper shakers than everyone else.

As CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller pointed out Thursday, the president’s seasoning implements were noticeably larger than others at a meal in the White House. The establishment media quickly pounced on the disparity.  Business Insider jumped on the story in a piece of serious journalism that involved plenty of photos of various White House rooms, complete with salt and pepper shakers circled like aerial photos from a CIA analyst.  Voice of America White House bureau chief Steve Herman, who appears to have taken the photo that Knoller originally noticed, confirmed that Trump’s shakers were indeed bigger.

Forget impeachment.

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