Friday, December 20, 2019

Time to Fess Up

Who sent me this MAGA coffee?

There was no card in the package sent from Thrasher Coffee in Georgia. Try calling a company nowadays--impossible. The one listed on the Internet no longer exists. You go to their Facebook page and you can't call, you have to send a message.


  1. Looks like a really nice gift! Let us know how the coffee is!

  2. No one has come forward. The company won't get back to me. Therefore, I will not drink this coffee until I can confirm who sent it. God, it could be a "hater" who wants to do all of us deplorables harm. It's too bad that our mind has to go to the negative but that's the way it is in the world we live in.

  3. The company messaged me--it was Margaret!

  4. How does the coffee taste, now that you can drink it? As MAGA coffee, you would expect it to have a well thought out flavor, and for it to appeal to people that work for a living ...???

  5. LOL--Dan! As soon as I finish my Chock Full of Nuts, I will try it. Smells terrific!
