Monday, December 30, 2019

The Uninformed Liberal

70% of Millennials Would Vote for A Socialist Candidate, & 36% Approve of Communism

"Millennials, people aged 23-38, are the largest voting block in America. Likewise, they comprise the largest group in the workforce today. After seeing some of these numbers, it makes you wonder whether or not President Trump has re-election in the bag come 2020.

Ultimately, this is some scary stuff. This is what happens when Hollywood liberals and far-left college professors grab hold of the impressionable mind. The results are frightening."

And it's not surprising that some of these uninformed liberals/communists/socialists have wished my demise...and they are the reason why I don't allow anonymous posting now.


1 comment:

  1. This is what happens when you allow leftist democrats to control education --as best exemplified by the Obama years. The history taught was the lies of the left, crafted to appear as possible, and with feelings and emotion pushed as more important than ethics or philosophical discussions--which no longer exist in any meaningful way. Now we have the worst educated and self involved generation in 100 years, and they could not be more dangerous to America if they had gone through Nazi Re-education camps run by Joseph Goebbels .
