Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sanctuary City Policies

Blood on Open Borders Boston's Hands

"Here is a chilling case of sanctuary chickens coming home to roost.

Upon being convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping, home invasion and the brutal murders of two doctors, African criminal Bampumim Teixeira taunted the Massachusetts prosecutor who won the case and vowed to rape his wife. "You better hope I don't get out of jail," Teixeira threatened as he was dragged away in handcuffs by a quartet of court security officers. The killer appeared to greatly enjoy the media spectacle while striking fear into the hearts of innocents."

Read about Boston and the killer illegal

In 2020, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will have a ballot question to vote an anti-“sanctuary state” proposal. Let's hope the measure makes it onto the ballot and passes.

Here in Florida, the matter did not have to be handled by referendum. Legislatively it passed in the Florida House on a 68/45 vote and in the Florida Senate 22/18. Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill banning sanctuary cities in Florida. Lake Worth insists that it's NOT a sanctuary city but a "welcoming city." The distinction is unclear.

Of course the Southern Poverty Law Center (a hate group) filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Florida for this bill.

CS/CS/CS/SB 168: Federal Immigration Enforcement

GENERAL BILL by Rules ; Infrastructure and Security ; Judiciary ; Gruters ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bean ; Mayfield ; Broxson ; Albritton
Federal Immigration Enforcement; Prohibiting sanctuary policies; requiring state entities, local governmental entities, and law enforcement agencies to use best efforts to support the enforcement of federal immigration law; authorizing a law enforcement agency to transport an alien unlawfully present in the United States under certain circumstances; prohibiting discrimination on specified grounds, etc.
Effective Date: 7/1/2019 except as otherwise expressly provided
Last Action: 6/17/2019 - Chapter No. 2019-102
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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