Monday, December 23, 2019

Media: Enemies of the State

NBC News just declared America is in a state of war in response to impeachment

You turn on the cable news stations and major networks and their political pundits make you physically ill.

“In some ways, you know, this is the end of a decade that has been just hyperpartisan, hypertoxic, the toxic politics, the mix of social media. So you could make an argument that it was almost inevitable that our politics were going to end with this kind of showdown over impeachment.

So in that sense, it sadly feels like almost a predictable next step in this escalation of a partisan war that now feels like it’s obviously gotten too overheated, to the point where at times it feels as if culturally we’re in a cold civil war.”

~ Chuck Todd, NBC Today Show

1 comment:

  1. You can read the newspapers from the early 1860 period....just before and the early days of the 1st American Civil War...and if you do, you will find it striking how similar the hatred is between the 2 sides. What is also similar, is that the Democrats were the Bad Guys then, and they are the bad guys today !
