Thursday, December 12, 2019

Massive Criminal Conspiracy and CNN won't air it

CNN Refuses to Air Start of FISA Abuse Hearing

It's too bad about CNN--it used to be a top notch cable news station. That was when they cared about facts. It was thrilling in 1980 when Ted Turner first launched the first television channel to provide 24 hour coverage. Now CNN is known for its biased reporting and opinions from hosts and reporters such as Jim Acosta, Brian Stetler, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer. What happened to this once major station?

"A perfect example of how bias works. It’s not just what they cover. It’s what they don’t cover.” I can only suppose that CNN is not interested in the truth. Graham eviscerated the James Comey-led FBI for operating like a “criminal enterprise” in their efforts to investigate collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia. that was all brought out in IG Horowitz's Report.

Read about pathetic CNN...

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