Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Last Night's Commission Meeting -

Everything passed but one Ordinance, 2019-2 which changes the lease terms on parks, city-owned waterfront property and city-owned downtown property. Every time the people speak and win at the polls, years later the city administration decides the hell with the people--we will do what in hell we people in one will remember.

It seems that the city took a survey by some unknown firm (I wonder what that cost!) (one pollster was from California) on some of the Ordinances that will be on the ballot.  I don't know what households in the city they called but I know of one gentleman who gave the caller hell...said he was voting NO on everything.

Fast forward the video at around 1:00 and see City Manager Bornstein informing the Commission that the question did not poll well and by passing it, it would affect Ordinance 2019-10, the one that changes the lease terms at the beach. They really want to screw around with that property. This Ordinance comes back before the Commission and public on December 12 after they have had a chance to talk with the pollsters.

People who have been active in the past have dropped out of the Lake Worth scene. It has been a lot of hard work to keep our city out of the hands of developers. We have a developer happy commission in place right now. I asked the question last night about the citizens referendum of 2013 keeping our downtown low rise that was won by 56% of the vote. The city would not move the results on to Tallahassee. At the time we were fed some BS. But it was a Charter change. Their Gulfstream ordinance is exactly what we did--changing the Charter. I still want to know why our vote was not accepted, but the city wants to do the exact same thing. HB-537 hasn't changed...still the law. We didn't fall under it and the city used it against us. They wanted their way.

I ended my comments by stating that the only ballot question I would support would be that of term limits. And the only way that will ever pass would be by a citizens referendum.


  1. poll didnt call my house.i would have said no.things are never going to change till more people step up and at least try.dan seems to talk like he knows a lot why doesnt he run.if I had support I would.everyone has a lot of talk.i have said before id be glad to walk to get signatures for term likits.not a lawyer and don't know how to word the bill so they cant f--- with it

  2. Im all for term limits
