Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Hate and Leftist Ideology being taught in the Schools

Muslim Teacher Calls For DEAD AMERICANS, Texans Give NASTY Surprise In Class The Next Day

Nancy Salem has been teaching youngsters at The Children’s Courtyard in South Arlington, Texas that is until parents found her hate-filled tweets. She was fired in 2017 but the tweets go back as far as 2012 and show Salem tweeting at least a dozen times her hatred for Jewish people.

Read about the hate filled teacher And not only do we have a hater of Jews teaching children, we have thousands of liberal teachers in college classrooms indoctrinating our young people where the students end up registering Democrat. Why is this?

This is because the halls of academia are dominated by leftist professors who refuse to engage their students with opposing thoughts or arguments. These kids never see the other side of the coin and professors refuse to even bring up conservative ideology. Instead, a high majority of these kids get radicalized with liberal leftism and bigotry...they're not learning anything.


  1. this has been going on for so long.when I said what they were teaching my granddaughter in high school no one wanted to listen.now look what you got

  2. She was fired 2.5 years ago.


  3. 4:49 good. And I'm glad to read about it today. Let's not ever forget.
