Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Feds announce fraud, corruption charges at Veterans Affairs hospitals in West Palm Beach, Miami

At least 15 South Florida residents have been indicted in what authorities call a widespread, deceptive, and atrocious fraud and corruption scheme at Veterans Affairs hospitals in West Palm Beach and Miami.


  1. Think about it, this was going on right under the eyes of politicians who had offices there. Lois Frankel for one.

  2. Well that’s California for you. Don’t really effect my life amuch maybe Larry still has property in hippies Bertley? Happy thanksgiving!

  3. @10:30--had one too many when you wrote this? It has nothing to do with California. To bring up someone's past from 50 years ago shows your desperation and your hate. You obviously are a hateful liberal and really need to take a permanent hike.

  4. Florida is the Andorra of the U.S.

  5. What is it about Veterans Hospitals that seems to invite fraud? Aren't these people Civil Service Employees? Every so often this sort of thing crops up at a Veterans Facility.

  6. Very sinister blog. What does Andorra have to do with Florida, and who is Larry?

  7. I’ve been hearing complaints and rumors about those places for years! Glad something was done. So sorry for all the vets who were screwed over .
