Friday, December 13, 2019

Fake News continues to Butcher the Truth

Even Liberal Writers Are Slamming NYT for Butchering Story on Trump’s Anti-Semitism Executive Order

This article just shows how dangerous the fake News Media are. The article had top Democrats falling for the erroneous story as they love the New York Times (it's their liberal bible) with trump hater, Democrat Sen. Richard Blumenthal, falling for it when he said, “It smacks not only of what happened in the Soviet Union but also Nazi Germany.” And these people never retract their statements...they let them fly like gospel and the sheep believe.

Last night I was talking to someone on the phone after the city commission meeting and she proceeded to disparage our president. I had to hang up. This woman is normally rational but she believes the liberal hype. It's all thanks to what they hear on CNN, MSNBC, The View with that crazy Joy Behar, etc. Even our local newspaper, the Palm Beach Post is nothing more than propaganda for Democrats.


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