Friday, December 6, 2019

Elizabeth Warren wants Amendment to our Constitution

Leftists like to change the rules of the game when they’re losing the game. BS comes easily and they love to lie. This is par for the course for Democrats who fail to realize that their abysmal strategies and policies are why they are losers and will always be losers.

1 comment:

  1. This is just another obnoxious woman. She doesn't really mean anything she says, it's just a ploy to get the disaffected voters attention. I can't help but think of the famous line from My Fair Lady: "Why can't a woman be more like a man."

    Having been a woman all my life, and having observed these creatures from different angles, and in different lights, they really haven't "made it" through the glass ceiling yet, and at the rate they're going, it will still take some time.

    There are always exceptions, of course, and while I'm loathe to admit it, Hillary Clinton is one of those exceptions. She's every bit as smart and tough as any man. She didn't win the election, but that was just the luck of the draw.
