Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ana Navarro, just another Loser on CNN

Ana Navarro is one of the most vile figures on CNN

There is no line RINO Navarro, who often moonlights as a co-host on The View, won’t cross to attack Trump and his allies. And she just said something so racist about Ben Carson that she could be thrown off the air.

Read about this confused woman... from Nicaragua who is a registered Republican and a Never Trumper who also voted for socialist Andrew Gillum. Can you even imagine a real Republican doing either or anyone calling Ben Carson a "racist?"

Even worse, Mad Max said of Ben Carson, "This guy just doesn't have the background, the capability, the intelligence to do the job. He doesn't know what he's doing." He's a neurosurgeon for gosh sakes. Perhaps he should be working on Max Max's brain.

If you're a Republican, you are subject to the worst attacks imaginable especially on CNN, a cable "news" station that sucks.

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