Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Where is the USMCA Trade Deal?

Canada and Mexico are waiting for the U.S. to get its act together and approve the USMCA

Democrats are the hold-up. They have one thing, and only one thing on their mind--Impeach the President. They know without impeachment they will go down to defeat in 2020.

Nancy Pelosi says this trade deal is the easiest one they have ever done but they're stalling. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democratic negotiators have said they want to resolve concerns about the deal harming American workers or the environment before they ratify it. That's their excuse.

Through USMCA, Trump is “keeping his promise to replace the job-killing NAFTA, end the outsourcing of American jobs, and invest in the American worker,” said a White House spokesman.


Any vote on USMCA this year would be defeated by the Democrats. They don't want the President to hav3e a "win" going into 2020.


  1. Actually Democrats have passed numerous bills including:

    • H.R. 1 – For The People Act

    • H.R. 8 – Bipartisan Background Checks Act

    • H.R. 7 – Paycheck Fairness Act

    • H.R. 1585 – VAWA Reauthorization Act

    • H.R. 9 – Climate Action Now Act

    • H.R. 5 – Equality Act

    • H.R. 6 – Dream and Promise Act

    • H.R. 582 – Raise the Wage Act

    Yep, they've balked on USMCA but they've done tons of other work even while they're holding Trump accountable for his illegal acts.

    McConnell is sitting on those bills and doing nothing with them so if you want to throw stones, you might want to throw a few Mitch's way, too.

  2. Bills that have passed in Congress have to pass in the Senate. There are consequences to elections, right? I accept Mitch McConnell's and the President's good judgment. Democrats will never compromise to get anything done. Totally dysfunctional.

  3. You said: "They have one thing, and only one thing on their mind--Impeach the President."

    ....and I gave some of the numerous bills that they have passed. They have been working. They have been able to do more than impeachment. And, yes, the bills have to pass the Senate. McConnell is doing zero to pass those bills. They're sitting on his desk.

    So if you're going to complain, fine. But, to be fair, the Republicans are doing far less than the Democrats who are doing a lot of things in addition to impeaching the president.

  4. Don't tell me the Dems actually managed to get bi-partisan support for something? That is incredible since all they do is attack the president. The Senate Republicans have also
    Passed tax reform
    Established Paid family Leave
    Doubled Child Tax Credit
    Doubled the standard deduction
    Simplified the tax Code
    You forgot those.
    Democrats are sitting on important legislation. republicans will win the House in 2020 and maybe then something will get done. more judges for sure.
