Monday, November 4, 2019

Thin Blue Line

Maryland Governor Criticizes Ban of 'Thin Blue Line' Flag Given to Police Station

Of course, it was banned by a Democrat official. Democratic Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich said the flag provides a symbol of "support" to some but is a symbol of "dismissiveness" to others. Can you believe that?

It was a flag painted on wood by a little kid who loves the police.

Read about it...

We need to stop the craziness, support law enforcement and stop feeding into the hands of groups that have no respect for our public safety officers. Democrats stay silent when their little crazies throw water on cops and worse, block streets, paint graffiti on police vehicles and spit at them. These out of control protesters in New York  (and elsewhere) want violence against police officers and the end of all law enforcement.

Democrats stay silent and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is siding with the punks in New York.


  1. It's not okay to kneel during the National Anthem but it is okay to deface the flag (as long as you agree with the reason for defacing it).

    Got it.

    Also...a little trivia...this flag was flown by the Nazis at the Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville.

    I know that isn't a biggie for many on the extreme right, but it is to the majority of Americans.

  2. That's a biggie to all those liberals who want to make a stink out of it.
    Veteran's day is on the 11th. You will see parades all over America with Vets, soldiers, ROTC's etc flying the American flag. American families will be waving their American flag. Vets made it possible for you to shout your chit.

  3. At 1:17 the flag was not defaced. This was a painting on wood by a little boy. You must have big problems. This kid is way smarter than you and certainly more loyal.

  4. typical Democrat. This guy Elrich signed an executive order prohibiting county officials — under threat of termination — from asking residents about their immigration status or cooperating with ICE

  5. Graf Spee-Montevideo-1939
