Friday, November 15, 2019

Sorry Democrats--NO bribery; only 4th hand hearsay

Ukrainian Foreign Minister: No Link Between U.S. Aid and Investigations
Quote : “I have never seen a direct relationship between investigations and security assistance,” said Vadym Prystaiko

Big news broke yesterday and Republicans are doing a happy dance...

Ukrainian foreign minister Vadym Prystaiko said U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland had “never” made a link between U.S. aid to Ukraine and any type of investigations (neither on the Biden’s role with Burisma or the 2016 elections.)

This completely contradicts the hearsay testimony presented on Wednesday by the two “star witnesses” for the Democrats.

The only “bombshell” the Democrats could produce on day one was Bill Taylor’s fourth-hand hearsay story about one of his staff members being at a restaurant with Sonderland, who overheard Sonderland speaking to the President on his cell phone. The staffer says they were talking about “investigations.” [Impeachment Alerts]


  1. I never got the memo that Ukraine was an important ally of the US. If that is indeed the case, it's a sorry state of affairs. The Ukrainians with any sense, came here many years ago, and they are a very fine educated group of immigrants. Many of them now into the 2nd and probably 3rd generation.

    What's left there is a group of fanatics, allying themselves with Catholic Poland and making itself useful to the US to carry on it's long standing disagreement with Russia.

    This whole thing with Russia is just posturing. It has no substance. We are no more going to war with Russia, than we are with China. It's just grist for the mill.

  2. The "memo" came out in 2014 under Obama when Ukraine's new leaders sided with Europe and the West.
    Trump wanted to be assured that our billions were going to where we wanted it to go in Ukraine. The past leadership was corrupt. No longer can some government take us for granted as they have in the past.
    As far as Russia goes, I agree with you...we're not going to war with them but we need to recognize their power in the simple fact that they have more nuclear weapons than do we.

  3. "When did Ukraine become a 'Critical Ally'?"

    Patrick J. Buchanan
