Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sky over Lake Osborne 11-16-19


  1. That would have been a great spot for spring training baseball but no we get a lawless homeless encampment, how very backwards podunk Lake Worth Beach, oh well.......

  2. No, no chain jerking here. When was the last time you took a walk in JPP? I bet Lawrence, Dorsey, McVay and the rest haven’t stepped foot in the park since y’all made the corny nature video , same goes for “Hot Dog Park”. Hypocrisy!

  3. @7:51. you really are a sad little person--sad.

    Laurence had a major stroke a few years ago--still in rehab. Dennis suffers from his own medical issues and is in his mid-eighties. McVoy is still a scientist...did he help in saving our park from corporate development? If so, don't remember but many people helped in that regard. It sure wasn't the awful, greedy commission especially Scott Maxwell or PB County. As far as myself, I am at the park daily. Don't see you and for that I am grateful.

    Old Bridge Park was saved by the voters--thanks to Laurence McNamara at the lead. Can you even imagine that the greedy commissioners wanted to sell it to a developer who was going to build a high-rise condo on our property?

    Sounds like you're jealous of something or just a mean SOB. Oh, I know, you never get out to our wonderful park to walk or to photograph the sunset and God's glory. You don't believe in God? How sad for you. I guess that's why you're so nasty. And of course, you are anonymous--a coward to boot. Does your Mom love you?

  4. Hey Fuc head at 6:18 you have ex county commissioner SHELLY VANA to thank for the homeless crap forced on John Prince Park.The people you scorn have fought to keep Lake Worth and John Prince Park a decent place to live and spend time in. I'll take your "podunk" town any day over your version of a concrete canyon. Pack em ,stack em,and track em. Your agenda 21 version of "livable". Stop trying to rape Lake Worth. We don't want your stench.
