Friday, November 1, 2019

Quote of the day - Jim Jordan

Only A Complete Sham Needs This Much Secrecy: Adam Schiff Now Blocking Witnesses From Answering Republicans!

“One of the things you do in these depositions is you ask the basics: who, what when, where, why – you ask those questions. When we asked the [witness] who he spoke to after important events in July, Adam Schiff says “no, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer those questions.”

~ Jim Jordan


  1. My understanding is that the question was posed to get the identity of the whistle blower which would most likely be leaked.

    Under oath, the person being asked would have to answer truthfully naming the person they are trying to protect.

    I think he/she will be outed eventually and their life will change in big ways from that point forward. I don't envy him/her.

    It seems that Trump's "in your face" corruption is too much for the deep state who have operated for decades and beyond, on both sides of the isle, with covert corruption. Biden's corruption with his son's dealings "at arm's length" are just examples of the covert corruption.

    To think that prior administrations haven't plied other countries with aid tied to political agendas is just absurd. Trump haters will get their impeachment. It will fail in the Senate giving Trump all the boost he needs to get re-elected. The end to this hyper-partisanship is nowhere in sight.

    That is all.

  2. trump's not corrupt

  3. Adam Schiff is starring in his own play as leading actor,director and producer, Voters are tired of the deep state and Democratic hatred pushing socialist agenda with Schiff's second rate play, and Pelosi's surrender to him and the squad to paralyze our country.

    Time for USMCA and infrastructure, House of Representatives.

    Stop wasting time with this devious witch hunt.

  4. Democrats have painted themselves into a corner. America is watching .Local Dems that venture out of South Florida must be terrified of 2020.
