Friday, November 8, 2019

Quote of the day - City Manager Michael Bornstein

"If you're delusional enough to think you're going to shove this white elephant of a capital improvements budget into an operating budget, you're in for a rude awakening. Now this deferred maintenance is on the record."

~ Michael Bornstein
City Manager Lake Worth speaking specifically to Commissioner Omari Hardy

Does anyone know what he's talking about? We know when Bornstein was first hired here in 2012, he referred to our pool (that was alive and well and functioning at the time) as a "white elephant." He has wanted to yank out our pool for seven years now. Why? He has been so adament about not having a pool, he emptied all the water out of it and has allowed it to dry out and crack from the sun.

He can't maintain it because the city maintains nothing. He treats it as something that should be paying for itself instead of an amenity. The city has never marketed our property and they complain they are losing revenue.

The residents have told the city that they want our pool to be repaired and re-opened and Kimley-Horn told them just two years ago that it could be repaired for $509,000--We don't need millions poured into our pool--fix what you messed up.


  1. Just fix the pool. What's wrong with these people?

  2. This manager is a con job! Always has been, he is clever and has a way to win over all, a lover of sorts and sweet talker, they know it all type. He has never really been very nice to people here in Lake Worth since he started here, treated a lot of people really poorly for email and was rude and sarcastic, yet the mayor and none of them ever did anything since he serves at the pleasure of them, not the LW citizens. He is not a good person, never has been, he may be clever, but he is not intelligent, he divides, he is not a unifier. This manager has been a huge disappointment from the day he arrived here and has hurt this city greatly. Cleverness always does. Sad!
