Monday, November 18, 2019

Marie Yovanovitch, another dunce of a "witness"

Does everyone remember when Democrats embraced Jusse Smollette? Later it all turned out to be one big fat lie hoax--This impeachment, as well as Yovanovitch's testimony, is another one of those times. The Democrats even gave her an ovation when she finished testifying. Once again, Democrats have egg on their faces. They are so willing to believe anything if it's negative to President Trump.

"Sean Hannity has issued a strong warning to Schiff’s star witness Marie Yovanovitch over her accusation that he had a hand in her firing. It is one of the many lies she has been caught in. She claims that the Ukrainian prosecutor who claims she gave him a do not prosecute list has recanted that statement. But, the New York Times has reported that never happened.

Yovanovitch also claimed that the Obama administration was not concerned about the Biden/Burisma scandal, but later on in the same day, she testified that the Obama team coached her for her confirmation hearing and instructed her to refer those questions to Biden’s office. Both statements can’t be true.

Under questioning, Yovanovitch admitted, and it seemed reluctantly, that she is not only unaware of any quid pro quo deal, but she is not aware of any criminal activity on the president’s part. The first three witnesses have one thing in common. None of them have ever spoken to the president and have no first hand knowledge of anything they are testifying to. If this were a court of law, the case would have been laughed out of court by now.

Read about it...


  1. I found Marie Yovanovitch's testimony to be compelling and concise and worthy of a public servant dedicated to serving her country. Those in the hearing obviously felt the same way and I got goose bumps watching the the ovation.

    We're in a strange place these days in America. Military war veterans are smeared. High school kids who have survived a school shooting are disparaged. Civil servants who have dedicated their entire lives to America are maligned and attacked. Meanwhile, the same people attacking these patriots look to foreign countries to assist in elections and they compliment their leaders, even when they're totalitarian despots.

    A certain percentage of Americans have lost their way and their direction. Power is their only concern and truth and loyalty to America take a backseat.

    God bless Marie and those like her serving our country. They are the true Americans that all of us can hope to aspire to.

  2. @9:53...speechless. Democrats would be proud of this rendition. Advocating the "company" line usually guarantees employment. Too bad she thought she was smarter than the President. Too bad she never once talked to him. Too bad that Ukraine wanted her out as they were attempting to end corruption there.
    She served too long--now at Georgetown. Universities are where they all go to indoctrinate young people in liberal ways.

  3. I personally think the witness, (Marie), was mislead, as to her importance to the case, and was therefore anticipating that she was playing an important role in the hearing.

    This was not really her fault. It's sort of a case of the Devil you know, versus the Devil you think you know. The democrats, in this case, being the Devil she thought she knew.

    When I have been fired, I have never subjected myself to a lengthy explanation from some clown in HR, as to why I was fired. It is best just to move on with your pride intact.

  4. Well said, Paul.

    I cringe at the way some Americans are attacking other Americans these days simply because they disagree with their politics.

    As far as Marie's service goes, it's been my experience that those who have never "served" a minute of their life don't understand the character of those that do. Let them throw stones at those who think enough of their country to dedicate their lives to it...they'll never understand how ugly they are nor comprehend what a true patriot is because they've never been one.

  5. @1:22...God bless Marie? She worked for a living, got paid and strayed from the administration that is in power now. She supported corruption in Ukraine. She came across as demure but she was clueless.

    You sound like you've done it all, anonymous. Congratulations for being sanctimonious.

    I suppose you were also in the military, some of whom (the upper echelon) disagree with President Trump on ending wars.

    I disagree with your politics--lying liberals. You and Paul are the same person.

  6. I haven't watched any of the hearings but Janice hit the nail on the head: no American should be attacked just because of their political views. That's what this country is about.

    This thread is a good example of what and who is wrong with America today. Public servants who have given their lives for the US should never be smeared especially by those who haven't served their country in any capacity whatsoever. Americans should be required to do something for their country in their lifetimes so they can understand what giving to this country is all about.

  7. She’s just doing her job. I found her to be neutral to just answering questions and don’t find her threatening to mr trump and I don’t understand why she’s hated? I suppose anyone who doesn’t show 100% support for trump is a traitor and a threat according to Trumpers. You can’t question anything trump does or says he’s never ever wrong, he’s Uber man the perfect president!

  8. Who hates her? Democrats maybe because she didn’t come through for them
