Friday, November 29, 2019

Lake Worth High School Students help feed Homeless

High school seniors spend Thanksgiving on the street, 5,000 fed

Lake Worth High School has certainly changed since I went there. Now it has a lot of homeless kids and they tell us the school is full of the very poor. Many don't speak English or come from families where English is not spoken.

We were all poor back in my day and no one complained. We didn't get free breakfast or lunch. Our parents made sure that we were was their responsibility. Today, that daily responsibility in our Palm Beach County schools is thrown back on the government.

So what did some of the students do on Thanksgiving Day that had nothing to do with government handouts?--they gave back with their time and compassion all over the County.

"Dozens of Lake Worth High School seniors spent their Thanksgiving Day – not with their families – but on the streets of Palm Beach and Broward Counties feeding people in need. It’s a unique twist on a senior tradition, paying it forward and inspiring underclassmen."

Hopefully, the school teaches the students about the history of Thanksgiving Day and not that it's about a free turkey leg.

Read about it...


  1. Way too many poor here and illegal immigrants that taxpayers are supporting.

  2. I like that saying Lynn. The first time I heard it was when Robert Smith gave the commencement speech at Morehouse College, and paid off all of their student loans.

    If I had even the slightest inclination to get a tattoo, that would be my choice of epithets.

  3. My parents sacrificed to care for us, not so much now, why have children if you can't feed them?

  4. Not to belabor the point, but when you look at these parents, what is it you think they would be able to sacrifice? Many, if not most of the Guatemalan immigrants, are indigenous peoples from a 3rd world country. This is why the library and the schools work so hard with the first generation. Unless you fell off the back of a turnip truck yourself, you would know, or even remember, when all immigrants were poor starving refugees. The Vietnamese, for example, were mostly on the west coast, so you wouldn't have had to deal with them. Where do you think the boat people went? Where are they now? Try to take a worldview of some of these issues.

  5. The european immigrants that arrived in the 1800's and early 1900's came here without any money, just with a good work ethic, AND with the will to Assimilate and to become Americans.

    As to hand outs....welfare destroys people. It was the way the architects of southern slavery, devised a way to keep the poor, as perpetually poor, and to always maintain a peasant class for political purposes. This is the mission of the Democratic Party today.

    If you want to fix poverty instead of perpetuating it, you teach people how to feed themselves. You train them, and let them buy their own food from their work product. This has been obvious to educated men since at least the 6th century, when the following proverb was coined :
    “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

  6. I'm not arguing with you Lynn, but they lived like pigs, had nothing to eat half the time, nowhere to bathe, worked like coolies, and many of them tried to introduce socialism here, even though they had just escaped from countries like Russia, Finland, Poland, Greece, Italy, etc. Do you think everybody was a registered plumber or electrician. All they had was muscle and grit.

  7. @5:124--I can't relate to that as I don't know anything about what you are saying.
    My grandfather migrated here when he was 19 from Scotland and the coal mines. He had a 9th grade education but was more educated than anyone I have ever known. He had no money to speak of and got a job upon arriving, the 1st one sweeping floors in Thomas Edison's factory. By the time he was 35, he had his own business and was a millionaire.
    Not sure what the requirements were to migrate to this country when he came here but he fell under the general Immigration Act of 1882 which levied a head tax of fifty cents on each immigrant and blocked (or excluded) the entry of idiots, lunatics, convicts, and persons likely to become a public charge.

  8. There are over 66 million refugees in the world. Do you think we should let them all in, 3:35? 1.1 billion live in poverty. Should we take them all in too? Are you some open border globalist? Why should you give advice to anyone about taking a world view?

  9. Because you live in the world. If you had your own world, you could live however you want. There is only one world. Take it or leave it. i don't make the rules.

  10. Aye Lynn! What about the Molly Maguires?

    What about the Wobblies?

    What happened when the tree you were felling in Washington State crushed your legs?

    Want to go back to those days?

    I didn't know your grandfather. My grandfather worked for Otis Elevator. He was an engineer; first generation, not an immigrant.

    My great grandfather owned a shoe factory. He was first generation. Not all immigrants were equal.

    They all came here for a better life. Sometimes they got a better live, and sometimes they got influenza or typhus!

  11. As usual, have no idea what you’re getting at.

  12. @6:14--this is our sovereign country. We don't have to take in any immigrants unless they can be helpful to our country. The world doesn't own our country.

  13. What I find disturbing is 3rd and 4th generation Americans that are struggling economically and socially. Can you believe these people cannot afford a steak and lobster dinner and have never traveled outside North America because they are so disadvantaged? What is it with these people, drugs and alcohol or spending money on cigarettes?
    How do Mexican migrants and Haitians afford newer Toyota’s and Honda’s while white and black Americans drive old Chevys and Fords?
    Look at the trashy folks at the bars on the corners of Lake Avenue it’s all 3rd - 4th generation Americans drinking and smoking.
    Close the borders and help American citizens that were left behind during the economic boom help them become home owners and they will improve our neighborhoods!

  14. What happened to all of the environmentalists out there???? I remember back in the 70's when the Baja desert races were stopped because of"environmental concerns". Jesus Christ, now the cartels use the desert as a mass grave for their countless victims.Hey all you aging hippies-Where is the protest against this?????

  15. 3:35 a champion for illegals, how many do you have living in your house of new world order? There is interest in keeping our own people safe. ALL our Americans. And yes our parents' did it right, never crying broke while getting beauty treatments and running to the marijuana dispensaries.

  16. “The world doesn't own our country.” Oh my, how ignorant you are. We owe China trillions, our manufacturing in all overseas, Chevrolet has more plants outside of the US then here, I could go on and on but you are a bright economic mind so you know best. Gotta stop the globalist agenda while you shop at Walmart, lol Sad!

  17. "Oh my, how ignorant you are."
    Well, yes, we have debt however China and other countries do NOT direct our policies. Do you have a mortgage? You own your house but the financial institution has an interest in it if you do not pay the interest and live up to the terms.
    American institutions such as private and state pension funds as well as individual investors were the biggest holders. They owned $6.89 trillion in debt and absorbed about four-fifths of the increase over the past year.

  18. Personally, I think I would rather the bank finance my home. I'll put my money in the Cayman Islands, and then when the inevitable happens, I'll skip town, and the bank is welcome to my house.

  19. @9:34
    China is the number one Enemy of America. They have been attacking America with Trade strategies and socialist subsidized cheap steel and products for decades, and this Economic War is finally being Stopped and America is firing back. I would be fine if America froze all chinese held debts, as they are the result of predatory practices by an enemy of the US.

    I would love to see Walmart go out of business, and a return to the Mom and Pops that were here before we allowed the predatory onslaughts. I buy American whenever there is a feasible choice.....and that includes meat and produce, nit just cars and electronics.

  20. Dan, do you have any idea that everything we do here is financed by the Chinese. Please tell me you know that. All this banging on the drum of freedom and patriotism, is totally due to trade with China, or Viet Nam, or another Pacific Rim company. We can't exist without trade with China. Where do you think all of the lousy fish you get in a restaurant is processed? This is not like buying a handmade cuckoo clock from the Black Forest. This is about survival. What happens if there is a drought in the Mid-West; the bread-basket of America. Without trade, people could starve to death. Just like they do in war torn Africa.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  21. Condescending POS above at 3:35

  22. @3:35
    I guess if you were a Prisoner of War, your captors would really like your having bent so well to their will. Let me try to explain what you are missing, and why we don't owe China a cent, and maybe why we owe them some serious payback....

    Imagine you and your father work for Bethlehem Steel, and your Uncle works for Republic Steel, and half of your friends in school either work for the Steel industry, or they have parents in restaurant businesses or Real Estate, or in 100 other types of jobs that are reliant on American Steel and the jobs and economy this created. Suddenly, cheap asian steel destroys American made steel, and you and your dad are out of work, so are your relatives, and most of your friends are screwed.
    communism and an economic attack did this. It is NOT Free Market when Slave Labor beats American prices.
    The city you live in plummets into a depression of sorts, Real estate values crash, and no one can even leave due to this. Time goes by, and cheap Chinese products are selling, where before all these products had been made in America. Decades of this goes on, with the sheep going for the cheap products, unaware that they were destroying themselves with this behavior.

    Banking in the US can't handle all the needs of the ruined American businesses, and China pretends to be the big savior by lending to all those in need, and floods the market with their predatory investing. Sure, we really need China to save us, after they attacked us and ruined generations of Americans by the tens of millions. I am from Buffalo, and while my story was a bit different, I saw what I described all around me. Buffalo and the Steel belt are MAGA central....and we hate enemies of America.

    I personally hope Trump destroys China. They deserve it, and mind-screwed POW's like anon-3:35 need to wake up and fight back.

  23. Dan, your second paragraph is absolutely right. But we gave it to them. They didn't come and steal it. I'm from that area. I know those steel workers. Don't blame China for that, blame the people who made that possible, starting with WTO, and MFN. I used to drive over a turnpike bridge, and I wouldn't stop at the light, until I found out it was made with American States Steel.

    Do you really think they are going to let us get away with taking back all of the prosperity we gave them, and they did more with it then we ever could or would.

    They have a billion people, and in their own words, they can lose a million men a day. You think we might need a little toughening up to fight an enemy like that, especially when they join with Russia, Turkey all of the former Soviet Bloc countries, and Brazil, India, and all of the other countries that hate us because of our arrogance.

    Even our European Allies can't stand us anymore. That's why they shortened this meeting in the UK to only 2 days.

  24. anon@941

    Yes they did steal or attack....this was Slave Labor based pricing. There is no Economic Model where America could use free market tactics to compete with Slave labor. That is the key issue. I am aware that Bethlehem Steel was behind the times with upgrades and that they could have been more profitable....but this explanation path is the one chosen by the apologists for globalist destruction of the US. We should never have allowed slave labor to compete with us....which means if we were going to buy from China, or any other country that could put out the equivalent of slave labor based prices, massive tariffs SHOULD have been slapped on to even the playing field. There is no excuse for not having done this, only agenda. Russia would be the Ally of the United States, they are Nationalistic like half of America still is, and they are capitalistic in any comparison to China. The democratic Party of America has tried to paint Russia as an enemy, probably because they are the one true ally we could have against China, and because China is leading the Globalist ideologies and power struggles. We should fight China. Relatively speaking, if we need to be in a full out war as with Afghanistan, it should only be against China, the REAL ENEMY of America and what used to be Europe. As Europe has been castrated by the United Nation's globalist enforcement of the migration invasions, it has little nationalist pride left, it is a shell of the strength it once had, and can no longer even help itself.

  25. You know, I hate to remind you but this blog was about LW High kids feeding the homeless. How did we revert to this?
    As far as "our arrogance," countries are jealous as hell, always have been, of our success. Hating America has been a sport. It started from the American Revolution and it stands today, passed on to each generation.
    As far as communist China goes, we ARE taking back a lot of their prosperity (without this country they never would have had it)with tariffs and possibly sanctions. they make hundreds of billions a year in trade with us until trump. Their medium income is still well below the world average and their human rights are deplorable.
    As far as NATO shortening its meeting because of us, if true, (I haven't read anything about that) it must be because of Trump's insistence that all members pay their fair share regarding the defense budget commitment of 2% of GDP. All those countries who find us so "arrogant" and hate our guts still want us to bear the burden of the expense to keep the world safe.

  26. Dan--so true. China is our real enemy and this country in its past "leadership" allowed it all to happen

  27. Sorry Lynn for the topic migration :-)
    My initial point was that the kids SHOULD NOT be feeding the Homeless, as WELFARE behaviors like this weakens and perpetuates a population, ensuring they will always be dependent and lack any self sufficiency. This has been proven time and time again by the urban sewers in America, cities like Detroit or LA or others with huge welfare programs that have captured generations of unemployed people and prevented all but a tiny percent from being able to escape. This is the evolution of the will of the southern Democrats that brought America Slavery, then lost it with the civil war, and then began this class dominance concept all over again with welfare. Now it is about holding power through owned votes of the masses on welfare, allowing them to control much of America. The more the "masters" provide a myriad of "needed services", the more the welfare recipients "need" these services to go on living, and the more they will vote for their "masters" to keep them providing these services...the more they will keep their masters in power. This is universal income, free medical care, education for all, and on and on--this is the path to the slavery of globalism and socialism, and the teachers of Lake Worth High are negligent for not offering much more helpful methods the kids could have use to actually HELP the a Job Fair of sorts, where the kids could have brought companies and work plans in to an event, where the labor of the homeless could be paid for, and many of them may have found a steady path to helping themselves....Maybe they also could have found some tools to cure alcohol addiction in the homeless, like placing them on a program where their ingestion of disulfiram, naltrexone, or acamprosateare ( drugs that stop you from drinking alcohol) was hand in hand with larger paychecks for work they performed---without the med they might get $200 for a unit of work, but with the meds maybe they would get $350 for the same work, and we get the ciy of Lake Worth, or the state, to subsidize this).
    There are a hundred solutions to the sickness of homelessness, but Welfare will always be enabling it, and perpetuating it, and all it does is make the people doling out the food feel like they are Mother Teresa's, while in fact they are killing these people with their "kindness". Shame on the teachers!

  28. Dan--Love that post. All so true. Brilliant. I wish I had a "like" button on this blog. :)

  29. Thanks Lynn.
    So after thinking about my post, I decided Lake Worth deserves more than an answer without a true solution...I just did some searching for ACTUAL Programs Cities have tried to EMPLOY the Homeless, to help them. Albuquerque did this...and the story is great. Our Mayor Pam should talk to this Mayor, and oposition leader Omari Hardy should be on the conference as well... See

  30. Like the evil villain Loki in the Avengers Movie, the Democratic party in America is engaged in an attempt..... to "Free" the masses, from the Tyranny of Freedom.

    " It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that "democratic voters" crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes "their" life’s joy in a mad scramble for power and wealth, and for Identity.

    The "liberal Democrats" were made to be ruled. In the end, "they" will always kneel." They want to kneel.

    At the inception of America's first civil war, there was the argument that there EXISTED good and fair slave plantations, and there were bad or worse ones which should be fixed. In this argument, it was suggested that in the good plantations, the model of what ought to be, that the slaves had a good life, their needs provided for them, their care was guaranteed. Their benevolent masters, a group much like the proposed government of the Democratic socialist party in America today, would provide all care this enslaved population would require for their happiness in return for their servitude. It was further argued that in these "good Plantations", the slaves would NOT want to leave--that they loved their masters, and they did not desire to be on their own without being cared for, with no jobs, no money, no one to look after them.

    Sadly, this is the zeitgeist of today's Democratic socialist Party, of Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and Bernie Sanders.

    They want to replace the freedom of the American people with the yoke of slavery. They have used welfare successfully for this since it's inception, and now they propose healthcare for all and universal income, as another means to incentivise this flight from freedom, into slavery.

    Scariest of all, this sounds like a movie.
    It is happening for real, before our very eyes.

  31. Dan, you're making me cry now: This is like Lohengrin, without the musical score.

  32. Gee, two intellectuals, Dan and anonymous going at it. Who has the credibility? It sure in heck is NOT anonymous

  33. Anon@5:26

    Well, this was about what is was wrong, what is right, and what should be.... So yes, considering this could be something of an opera for Lake Worth :-)
