Saturday, November 23, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein --Suicide or Murder

Epstein Guard Wants To Tell Prosecutors All About The Night Of The Suicide

No one is convinced that this guy committed suicide. Even New York City’s former chief medical examiner, Dr. Michael Baden, insisted Wednesday that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a homicide.

Now, One of Jeffrey Epstein’s prison guards, Tova Noel, who was charged Tuesday with falsifying records to cover an unauthorized period of absence, says she wants to cooperate with Federal prosecutors and spill details about the night Epstein committed suicide to Federal investigators.



  1. Only in America would the media keep beating the drum about a dead man. Guess What? He's dead. It doesn't matter how he died. He can't be prosecuted. Only the media cares, and I hate to say it, but you seem to care Lynn. Forget about it! We have bigger fish to fry.

  2. Most people do find this not only intriguing but important...murder or suicide? It possibly is a cover-up and there are way too many of those as well as lies in this Democrat government. Now all the leaches are coming out of the woodwork wanting a piece of the $$$ pie.

  3. So, the lawyers will try to make even more money. You can't sue a corpse. This is what everybody is upset about. Who is going to pay the lawyers and if the perpetrator is gone, where is the case. Epstein, probably worked this all out before he died. He may have been a disreputable creep, but I doubt if he was stupid.
