Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Iran Threatens the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia

Iranian Commander Threatens The U.S. Claiming They Will Destroy Us

On April 15, 2019, the United States officially designated Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization. Yesterday, the "head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard threatened to destroy the United States and its Middle Eastern allies, accusing them during a televised speech of instigating violent protests that erupted earlier this month after the announcement of massive fuel price hikes." Gas went up 200%. Ouch.

Iran's economy has collapsed...Iran is in a deep recession. All we did was issue sanctions. They need to end their nuclear program. Voila, problem over but they would rather hurt their people and play the Blame Game.

Read about it...


  1. They'll have to hurry! We're hell bent on destroying ourselves.

  2. @12:27---LOl What universe do you live in? Hope to hell you Democrats don't take power in my lifetime...crazy man!
