Friday, November 22, 2019

Hunter Biden, what a sleaze

Nearly $17 Million Given to Hunter Biden Was ‘Stolen From Ukrainian Citizens,’ Report Says

Some $16.5 million received by Hunter Biden, the son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, as payment from Burisma was stolen from Ukrainian citizens, member of parliament Andriy Derkach has said.


1 comment:

  1. Someone told me today at work and I never knew this that Hunter was having an affair with his dead brothers wife, his sister in law, then his wife left him, and then while he was having an affair, he had another affair with some lady from Nebraska or somewhere in the Midwest, he impregnated her and was paying child support and then left her and stopped paying child support, they also said he is a big druggie and has a real addiction problem. How sad to hear all of this. Sounds like Hunter is not all that innocent after all. And his parents were supposedly good Catholics, what happened to him?
