Sunday, November 24, 2019

FBI employee under criminal investigation

FBI Official Is Under Criminal Investigation

Over Altering Some Pretty Important Docs About The Trump Campaign

An FBI official is under criminal investigation after allegedly altering a document related to 2016 surveillance of a Trump campaign and FISA Warrant.


  1. So, wait.

    You call CNN "fake news" for years until they produce something that you agree with and then they're totally legit? Hilarious.

    So more has come out since this video:

    "There's word that a former FBI lawyer allegedly altered a document on surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser, in 2016. The Washington Post, CNN and others report the Justice Department's inspector general makes that finding in a forthcoming report. He does find that an FBI lawyer altered a document on surveillance of a campaign adviser, but he says the surveillance still had a solid legal basis."

  2. Used CNN just for you as that is your source for "news." I could have used many other sites. What about Fox? You would have had something to say about that one. LOL.
