Saturday, November 9, 2019

Don Jr. on The View

Don Jr. gives it right back to liberal hosts


  1. Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. It is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

  2. Well if you believe that, why do you Democrat’s continue with the BS?

  3. Proverb
    it takes one to know one

    (colloquial, childish) A retort to a negative accusation, implying that the accuser shares the fault. quotations ▼
    Bob: You're a queer!
    Tony: Takes one to know one!

  4. A liar is just that--a liar who not only someone who has a different opinion but one who tells obvious lies just to make themselves look good. What they actually do is make themselves look stupid and pathetic purely because they think everyone actually believes them! Which they don't, of course. Take sleepy Joe as an example.

    As far as hypocrisy, liberals constantly pretend that they have virtues that they don't really have.

  5. Don, Jr. looks awful with that beard, and Kimberly is a slut. Unfortunately, for Don Jr., I imagine Kimberly will be very hard to get rid of, so I hope he really likes her.

    Shades of: "Play Misty for me."

  6. @6:11--I don't like facial hair on any man!
    Next, Kimberly divorced that creep, Gavin Newsom. She is not a "slut." Why do you say that? She is highly educated and a former prosecuting attorney in LA--has made her own way in this life by working hard. She is a Trump supporter and working hard to get him re-elected.

  7. Anyone who takes and exhibits lewd or naked photos to their co-workers, or even has them on their phone, is a slut.

    Why do you think she got fired.

    Another hard working attorney: where have I heard that before?

    Mrs. Clinton; Mrs. Obama: all hard working attorneys.

  8. It's really a joy to have the community "I love all things Dem" on my blog. As far as I know she left because she was dating Don Jr. and joined the Re-elect Trump team. Anything else was a he said, she said and totally unproven.

  9. Democrats twist a blog to suit their agenda. amazing.

  10. Go to church this morning!

  11. Went yesterday but didn't see you there. I would never see you in any church.

  12. Going to church doesn't punch your ticket to heaven. Treating all of God's children, no matter who they vote for, with respect and dignity is how you get past St. Peter's gates.

    You know who what group you belong to, my friends. There's still time for everyone.

  13. People should get the respect and dignity they deserve. Someone who takes a poke at me will get a double whammy back. I'll let God decide that later.
    Now, can we please get back to Don Jr. who was fearless among the enemy.

  14. I don't know how those know nothings on the view have a platform at all. They have no qualifications. And, 6:11 insulting appearance is the last resort of someone with no argument. Trump Jr aced it.

  15. What, those old crones are the enemy. Don, Jr. is a pantywaist. His brother is the one doing all the work. How many children does Don have, that he left for that slut? This is only the beginning of this story, not the end.

  16. Don't know a thing about Don Jr as a slacker as he is going around the country promoting his father. Don't know a think about his "slut" girlfriend. You seem to know everything. Why not give some details. It takes two to tango I heard. Don Jr's ex wife is very happy for him she said. On top of leaving his children, they spend more time with him than anyone else.
    So, you started the beginning of your story. Pretty unfair I would say.

  17. Yes, I guess his wife is happy.
