Monday, November 11, 2019

CNN's future demise all their own fault

Impeachment is Making CNN’s Ratings Drop Even Lower

CNN, the organization most closely associated with fake news remains determined to continue its anti-Trump death spiral and the phony impeachment inquiry has them racing toward bankruptcy.

Consider who they have-- Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer and Jim Acosta to name four of the main anti-Trumpers. Why don't they like Trump? Because he is not afraid of them and continues his mission to Drain the Swamp.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving anti-trump fake news outfit and arm of the Democrat Party that once was a legitimate source for news you could trust. NO more. Now we have Fox trying to be more "fair and balanced" than they were but are hiring liberal, Left-winger Trump haters. That will be their downfall if they continue with this business plan.

Read about CNN...

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