Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blasey-Ford gets a "Courage" Award

It just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Wins ACLU 'Courage' Award

So you have the evil communist left-wing political organization, the ACLU, giving an award to a woman who tried desperately to take down a Supreme Court Nominee, Bret Kavanaugh. At the time, Ford’s story lacked any corroborating details — not even a solid where and when of the alleged assault were ever established. She had no direct eyewitnesses — and witnesses she did name turned out not to back her up. And this all took place in California, the screwiest state in the country.


  1. So to the ACLU lying is courageous? Not too surprising, unfortunately. And yes, Ford should be in jail as Stormy Daniels girlfriend.
