Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alexander Vindman the Leaker?

National Security Council Superiors Voiced Serious Concerns About Alexander Vindman’s Judgment

The testimony from Tim Morrison, former National Security Director of Russia and European affairs shed light on how his colleagues viewed Schiff star witness, Alexander Vindman, and it’s not good. Even Deep State Fiona Hill thought that Vindman’s judgment was bad and several others agreed with that assessment, while others accused Vindman of being a leaker.

Read about it...

Was Lt. Col. Alexander Vindeman the one who started this "whistleblower" mess?


  1. In a just world, LTC Vindman would sue your azz for everything you have for the title of this post. You would have to sell your condo, your car and your computer in order to pay the settlement but finally, Lake Worth's Big Mouth Hater and Smearer of U.S. Vets would be silenced.

    Keep denigrating and smearing our vets who have fought and bled for this country. It's not okay. It's not American. And it gets a lot of vets pissed off.

  2. @4:15--I see the know-it-all is back! You're pathetic. Read the First Amendment. Read what slander is and isn't.
    You guys will impeach but it will be defeated in the Senate.

  3. I despise anyone who slimes our war vets, especially civilians who have never worn a uniform in their lives and have no idea what is to do so. This kind of thing used to be confined to the anti-war left but now I see the Right's latest thing to do is smear anyone who has worn a uniform who disagrees with Trump. Let me be clear: it's wrong no matter who does it.

    And, Lynn, this is isn't about politics. It's about our veterans. You wouldn't know the difference because for people like you it's all about red or blue...all the time.

    Both colors are in our flag. You ought to check it out some time.

  4. You are wrong as you are most of the time.
    I respect all of our military but I also realize that in the respect of Lt. Col Vindman, he made a terrible error in judgment when he was a traitor to his Commander in Chief and to this country.
    There are some in the Military who deserve zero respect such as Bradley/Chelsea Manning.
    There are many enlisted who have committed horrible crimes such as child abuse or even murder.
    They are not God. But for the most part, as any public safety group, they have everyone's due respect...they are America's heroes.
    So, yes, I respect not only the red and blue but the Red, White and Blue.
    Didn't see you at the last Memorial Day services. Will you be there this year?
    How come you and your ilk revere Antifa?

  5. I respect our vets very much but when they start crying that no body will give them papers that say what they say it makes me wonder.this person is a leader who has a bad memory.very sad.its called selective memory

  6. To "God's Gift" who attempted to post here at 6:40pm, I answered your BS earlier. It is you who needs to take a permanent break.
