Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Al Sharpton says, "I deserved the raise!"

Al Sharpton Paid $1 Million by His Own Charity in 2018

"They say that charity begins in the home and Rev Al Sharpton has taken that quite literally as his charity, National Action Network (NAN), paid him over one million dollars last year.

Sharpton was paid $1,046,948 by the non-profit, and he also got “a $324,000 salary — 32% higher than his 2017 pay. Sharpton claims that most of the money was to make up for previous years in which he did not accept his full pay.

Rev Al still owes still owes $698,470.99 in back taxes to the state of New York. Will the money be used to pay off his taxes or will the taxes on this money be added to what he owes?"

Read about Sharpie Sharpton

We're always wondering how these elected officials get wealthy while in office.

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