Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Trey Gowdy to represent Trump?

Democrats are racing against time to wrap up their impeachment inquiry before the calendar turns to 2020 and the Presidential race takes over. Trey has to wait until the first of the year to represent the President because of lobbyist rules.

In the meantime, there is the IG investigation that should come out soon. Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote to congressional leaders with an update on his investigation into alleged abuses of warrants obtained under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Horowitz said he expects the report "will be released publicly with few redactions." [CBS News]

Once this Report is out, it very possibly could derail the Democrats Impeachment.


  1. The Dumbs can do their baseless impeachment till the cows come home. It will be DOA in the Senate. This exercise in futility will also out the Dumbs in districts that Trump carried. If they vote against Trump they will lose their seats and the Repubs will re-take the house. Any way that you look at this farce , Nutty Nancy has been painted into a corner by Trump. Winning!

  2. Everybody has their own spin on upcoming events. The problem is that the country is divided, and you know what Lincoln said. All of this will probably take a few more years, but the end is in sight.

    Thanks to the media, the cat's out of the bag. People feel very strongly about these issues. The fact that they don't know what it is they feel strongly about doesn't matter.
